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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (January 3)

Astrology 2022: Healing hugs of Divine Intervention. Love from the solitude of freedom.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The Mountain!

I always feel that people do not have the perseverance or the practice to keep going on this summit of life. They are sometimes looking for others to carry them forward. It is the light that is precious, the souls co travelling with us more precious and the light of love guiding our way immeasurable. The transformative source of all sources, rejoicing at the choices we make in this journey of our life. It is the presence of the enlightened beings before us; who persuade us to take the path ahead more seriously. Even when we cannot see the light, I always tell people to know that it is illuminating your heart, and all we have to do is go within. Feel the presence strongly and invoke the strong presence, the infinite power and see the blessings pouring down upon one and all. Healing hugs of Divine Intervention. Love from the solitude of freedom.

I live in the light of preciousness.
Rejoicing in this union of effulgence, I see the togetherness forever.