Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji
Aura Guidance for 13.04.2021 (all 12 signs)
1. Aries
“There are many more opportunities ahead for you to come and share your ideas. The first part of the day is work, and then rest. This is a bit of a challenging time for you but you will be enabled to pursue your career fully. Settling down with the people at work will help resolve your finances with the family.”
“Centred in the middle of a business venture in the order of the day plan, there will be a very good result from all discussions. Travels from business ventures will bring you a lot of happiness and success. Just complete your life mission trip and be happy to return. This day is full of opportunities to complete your business deals.”
3. Gemini
“You will be very happy with the family togetherness but you are troubled by the excessive entertainment patterns being set by the elders. You are turned on by the opportunity to convert big plans into huge revenue generation. There is a spirit of heart desires helping you to charge ahead. Your personal relationships are turning a corner where there is more love.”
4. Cancer
“You need to step back and re-evaluate your finances and know that you have done well. All is favourable to pursue business expansion and also love all the people that you interact everyday with. Challenging someone close to you could lead to a very long disagreement or battle, so refrain from antagonising people around you.”
5. Leo
“As the relationships change and financial commitments also change, you will add new dimensions to your personality and change. Progress inspires you and you will have to make sure your heart chakra is flowing into your heart desires. There is much you can do for your family needs today.”
6. Virgo
“It is time to get in touch with your own creative patterns. There is an exploration or travel to a new place which brings the much needed change. Your daily routine is so much appreciated by the others and you will benefit your family. Financially you are moving forward to your future journey of opulence.”
7. Libra
“You are fully prepared for a short trip but there is nothing that will happen for your business immediately. Changing your format of approaching the business venture negotiations with more commitment will definitely expand the horizon of financial trading which will help the next level of success.”
8. Scorpio
“Just be balanced in your earning and spending. You are living well in the world outside, but how is it at home. You will ensure that you are balanced in your outlook, and there is a continuous commitment to achieve excellence. Getting a new project or a new process of business and work will be exciting for most of you.”
9. Sagittarius
“Anyone who thinks you are superficial does not really know you for sure. Let your imagination and your thinking skills help you come out with a genius plan to execute the work at its highest potential. A start up or a new plan in place brings you happiness and a greater strength to stand your ground. Be patient with your moodiness.”
10. Capricorn
“Awakened you will question others decisions and this is troublesome to others who love you. Gather your mind together and take care of your health today. Enthusiasm and a spirit of togetherness will inspire you to take the road to happiness and joy. You will feel better, but there is a gentle heart looking out for your promotion in life and you will be grateful for the supportive presence.”
11. Aquarius
“You will be truly pampered with the love of the family you love to spend time with. Creative patterns of new ideas will win you an applause in the work place. Gentle reminders of stuck payments will yield good results. Concertised plans are in the offing to take the work to a new high.”
12. Pisces
“The person you desire to be is slowly emerging. Confront your fears and your insecurities and know that you can move away from them. Confirm plans made in the past and know that once you have made a commitment there is no going back. You are looking to renegotiate your deal and it will go well.”