Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji
1. Aries
Happiness is a truly valuable experience that you treasure and it is growing in your comfort aura. You will call your family today to get the money and your finances are ready to be invested in a business venture, where there will be long term gains and your investments will help others to be able to achieve happiness.
2. Taurus
Collateral damage is done for the betterment of life and prosperity. Allow others to take the decisions and make your plans for your journey ahead with the divine grace. You are not in control and hence need to play second fiddle. Your time ahead is much better. Be patient.
3. Gemini
Charge ahead with complete commitment and endeavour to complete the work and change your destiny path. Someone is closely watching your efforts and will be enabled to change the course of your life today. Harness your strength to heal your life circumstances, and move ahead with confidence.
4. Cancer
Alone and strong is the energy of the day. You are very special to your spiritual family and this sees you through and makes you come out victorious on the other side. You can also have the same message that your family will give you that so much stress is not necessary for your life experiences.
5. Leo
Hanging on to people who promise, but seldom deliver, is a story line of the past. You will be enabled to create your own inner desires to manifest immediately your success with your own efforts. Change your mindset and spend time with friends to be relaxed and rejuvenated.
6. Virgo
Slowly but surely you are being able to work towards your spiritual journey ahead, which leaves you very happy and grateful. There is a very big shipment of products or a large investment that you will need to look out for. You are in the middle of strong life changing decisions that will make everything better. Be patient with yourself.
7. Libra
Happily engaged in the work, you will have kindness behind you to explore entertainment of family time. You are going through the day full of the light guiding you but question yourself are you humble enough to take the wisdom and follow through. Some of you could make a very strong relationship between your family and friends.
8. Scorpio
Turn around your mood and enjoy the journey of the reunion as it leaves you refreshed and energised. Calmly advice your staff and know that the results will be beneficial to all. You are truly appreciated by your heart throb and this evening there is something magical awaiting you.
9. Sagittarius
Loving souls are surrounding you and you are very special to the people that love you. Love the healing moments and know that you are fully understood by your heart desires which will inspire you to manifest your best. You can also have your own life style, but at the end of the day, you are fatigued by the games people play.
10. Capricorn
Resolve to follow the advise of the elders and justify your actions towards the future by listening carefully and replying intelligently. You are very special to your family and they are fully supportive of all the changes you are doing, even financially. Relax, connect to silence and meditate on all that still needs to be done.
11. Aquarius
Elaborate more of your happiness in the now and let people see that you are happy. The nearest kin is questioning your style of living even though the universe of your home and life has been specifically constructed for you by you. Some fitness is needed for the future journey to remain fit.
12. Pisces
Taste the original love of happiness in the presence of your parents and your spiritual strength will be reawakened. Contact an old friend and see how the doors open for something that you have always wanted to do. You will be forced to help someone but your actions are healing and appreciated.