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Apple fires procurement vice president for making offensive joke in TikTok video

While Blevins was trying to make a joke, it turned out to be disrespectful towards women.

Tony Blevins

New Delhi: Apple has fired their vice president of procurement, Tony Blevins for making offensive remarks in a TikTok video. In an interview with Digital creator Daniel Mac, Blevins made crude remarks when asked about his job. The comment about the nature of his job turned out to be an offensive remark towards women and his job.

Daniel Mac shared a video, where he asked Blevins what he does for a living. Replying to the question, he said, “I race cars and play golf and fondle big-breasted women. But I take weekends… But I take weekends and major holidays off.” He also noted that his job offers a ‘hell of a dental plan.’

The video went viral and has over 1.3 billion views. Though there is no mention of Blevins’ name or his position in Apple, the firm took quick action and fired its executive stating that the comments do not align with their values and respect for women. While Blevins was trying to make a joke, it turned out to be disrespectful towards women.

Apple is known for its family-friendly image, so the company did not take much time in firing a person at a significant post in the company. No company would want its employees to make offensive jokes in public.

Daniel Mac was conducting an interview as part of a series where he asks owners of expensive cars about their occupations. Daniel Mac stopped Blevins while he was parking his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, an out-of-production sports car that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.