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DDA Housing Scheme 2022 In Narela: People can book around 8,500 flats-Here is how

DDA Housing Scheme 2022 In Narela: Here is how you can book your flats.

DDA Flats

New Delhi: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has launched its 2022 housing scheme in which people can book around 8,500 flats in Narela – online.

The  2022 housing scheme went live on Monday (September 12) on the official website of the DDA. It has LIG and EWS category flats on sale in Narela subcity on a first come first serve basis.

The prices of these EWS flats in Narela are priced between Rs 7.91 lakh to Rs 12.42 lakh, while on the other hand the LIG flats are priced between Rs 18.10 lakh to Rs 22.80 lakh.

According to a senior official of the DDA, the prices are same as that of the 2021 housing scheme which was launched by the DDA.

He had said that a link will be provided on the website for the users to click it and start the booking process. He also said that the booking amount for an EWS flat is Rs 10,000 while it is Rs 15,000 for an LIG flat.

Here is how you can book DDA flats:

# Visit the official website of DDA- or
# Click on the link which reads- “First come first serve basis”
# Select the flat accordingly
# After this you can make the payment
# If the user fails to pay the amount within the given time slot, the flat will once again be opened for sale
# Once you are done with the payment, the DDA will issue demand note to applicant.
# After the full amount is paid, DDA will issue a possession letter