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Puzzle Challenge: Can you crack this job interview?

You might get choices for salary packages, and that is a decision to be taken wisely. Here is a story of one such salary choice, try and solve it.


New Delhi: We can find amusing puzzles anywhere and everywhere. There are situations that might trick your brains and test you. Solving puzzles and brain teasers help you sharpen your brain and handle such tricky situations easily.  If you like solving brainstorming puzzles that allow you to use logical reasoning, here is one for you.

If you are preparing for a job interview, it will surely be a fun puzzle. You might get choices for salary packages, and that is a decision to be taken wisely. Here is a story of one such salary choice, try and solve it.


A well-known firm Wilson & Co had a vacant in the accountancy department and hundreds of applicants came for the interview. Mr Wilson interviewed a candidate named Joy. He answered all the questions satisfactorily and Mr Wilson decided to end the interview with the trickiest question. Talking about the salary, he proposed two alternatives and gave a free choice to Joy.

The first possibility is to receive $3050 in the first year and thereafter receive an increment of $100 each year. The other alternative is to receive $1500 in the first half-year and then an increment of $50 each half-year on that figure.

Joy thought for a moment and gave his answer. Mr Wilson smiled and said, “You have made a good choice and so have I. You get the job!”

What do you need to answer?

Now when you have read the story, try to guess the choice made by Joy.


The second option is the best choice and that is what Joy opted for.


Under both the alternatives, you get $3050 at the end of the first year as in the second alternative you get $1500 after the half-year time period and receive $1550 at the end of the second half. As per the first alternative, you get $3150 at the end of the second year while you get $3250 with the second alternative. At the end of the first half of the second year, you get $1600 and at the end of the second half, you will get $1650. With the help of basic maths, you can earn more!