New Delhi: Actor and social media sensation Poonam Pandey was seen enjoying street food in Mumbai. She is popular for her quirky outfits, and here too she wore a white top whit an eccentric patterned skirt. The video was shared by popular paparazzi Viral Bhayani.
In the video, Poonam can be seen eating pani puri, which is one of the most loved street snacks in Mumbai. She was, as usual, also having an interaction with the paparazzi who were there to get her clicked.
#Poonampandey Enjoying Street Food In Andheri ???@iPoonampandey @viralbhayani77
— Viral Bhayani (@viralbhayani77) August 20, 2022
The model-turned-actor has been controversial for her on-camera goofiness. She was earlier seen licking a mango and started getting goofy on the streets of Mumbai as she was posing in front of the camera. She also got trolled and called out as ‘cheap’ and ‘vulgar’ by some people on social media, but this does not stop her from being herself.
Netizens have always been divided on the controversies surrounding the actor. There are some people who are not comfortable with her outfits, while others like her bold avatar. Similarly, Indian television actor Urfi Javed also faces controversies for her outfits. Urfi took her fans by surprise as she recently wore a dress made of stones.