New Delhi: Makers of ‘Akelli’ starring Nushrratt Bharuccha unveiled the trailer of the film on Friday,. Taking to her Instagram handle Nushrratt treated her fans with the trailer of the film. Sharing the picture she wrote Akelli- An Ordinary Girl’s Battle for Survival. Akelli Trailer is out now. Coming in Cinemas on 18 August. The story of the film revolves around the survival of an Indian girl in the war-torn area of Iraq and fighting all the odds of life.
The trailer shows Nushrratt’s character trying to escape from the terrorist gang but getting besieged by them. Then the video goes in the back time to show how she got trapped there, it shows she left Mosul for a career and struggling to settle down in the whole new nation until the war breakout and she got besieged along with other women. This is the never seen avatar of Nushrratt and the film is helmed by Pranay Meshram, who has earlier worked as the associate director in various films and this will be his debutant directorial.
The film is bankrolled by Dashami Studioz Nitin Vaidy, Ninad Vaidya, Aparna Padgaonkar along with Vicky Sidana and Shashant Shah. Tsahi Halevi and Amir Boutrou are the actors who were seen in the popular Israeli series Fauda and are all set to make their Bollywood debut with Akelli.
While tlaking about the film Nushrratt said, it was an overwhelming experience altogether as she hasn’t played any such role yet. It was emotionally draining for her to play such a character and also it makes you think about the person who has gone through this experience in real life. She further added sheis hopeful that audience could connect with her character and will like it. Akelli is all set to release in Theaters on 18th August