New Delhi: Actor Ameehsa Patel is all in high with the success of her latest film Gadar 2 which has crosses the mark of Rs 300 crore on its second Friday and soaring more numbers with the coming days. As the film continues to shine in the box office, the actress took a moment to look back at her journey and told about her film choices. While the actress has given a list of some blockbuster films but do you know she has put down many other big-ticket films.
As per the reports of Economic times, Ameesha listed the films that she regrets turning down. These films include stars like Salman Khan Shah Rukh Khan and even Sanjay Dutt. She said, she couldn’t do the films because of the date issue, so don’t regret it.
Revealing the names of the film she told she could have done films like Chalte Chalte , Munna Bhai, Tere Naam and many others. She said there were a lot of reasons to turn down the films but she couldn’t do it because she was already committed to other films.
The films she declined were eventually went to other actress like Chalte Chalte was done by Rani Mukherji opposite Shah Rukh Khan, Munna Bhai MBBS to Gracy Singh and Tere Naam to Bhumika Chawala opposite Salman Khan.
With Gadar 2 Ameesha made a comeback to silver screen with her iconic character as Sakeena opposite Sunny Deol. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film is the sequel of 2001 hit film Gadar which is set during the partion of India in 1947.