New Delhi: Actor Janhvi Kapoor opened up about being trolled and called a ‘nepo baby’ on the internet. In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar India, the Bollywood star acknowledged that she got some opportunities easily but talked about her side of being looked down upon by the audience for being a star kid.
In the interview, Janhvi said that she prioritises hard work and wants to live up to the legacy of her mother, Sridevi. She cleared that this does not come from a place of arrogance but a desire to give something back to her parents and the audience.
The actor said that while she got some opportunities easily, it came with a disadvantage that people do not watch her work neutrally. She said that she is always being seen as someone with privilege, while she tries to convince people that she works hard and values everything that she got. She added that she has stopped being apologetic about it and knows that she is good at what she does.
Talking about people’s reactions to her work, the actor said that it ‘really hurts’ when she puts in hard work and goes through a ‘mental turmoil’ and an anonymous person on the internet trolls her and calls her a ‘nepo kid’. She added that such people are ‘plain sad’ and want to snatch others’ happiness. Janhvi also said that she is open to criticism and respects it.
Janhvi Kapoor, daughter of late actor Sridevi and producer Boney Kapoor, made her debut with ‘Dhadak’, a Hindi remake of ‘Sairat’ backed by Karan Johar. She proved her acting skills in critically acclaimed films like ‘Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl’, ‘GoodLuck Jerry’ and her last film ‘Mili’.
On the work front, the actor will be seen in ‘Dostana 2’, ‘Bawaal’ and ‘Mr And Mrs Mahi’.