New Delhi: Actor Anupam Kher recently shared a picture of him with the King of Pop Michael Jackson. Days after the 65th birthday, actor Anupam Kher took to Instagram to share a picture with Michael Jackson from 1996 and recalled the story behind the picture.
The picture Anupam Kher shared on Instagram shows him shaking hands with Michael Jackson. Michael was seen in his historic iconic red jacket and black hat while Anupam Kher was seen dressed in a black pantsuit and totally having a fan moment with Jackson. The actor revealed the story behind the picture in his caption.
His post reads the story, It was magical when Michael Jackson came to Mumbai in 1996 to perform. The next evening some 25 choosen guests were invited to have an exclusive half-hour interaction with the king of Pop at Hotel Oberoi Terrace Gardens. He was over the cloud nine at the mere thought of meeting one of the greatest performers of our times at such close quarters. He reached there an hour before the scheduled time so did the other 24 important guests. There was a small platform made as a kind of temporary stage. They all were waiting breathlessly he added.
He finally arrived escorted with his personal bodyguards. Tall and Tough! We all were silent and aww struck. We were separated by a barricade from him, he was smiling and we were staring. I thought its a historical moment in my life I can’t just stand there I must atleast shake hands with him. So he broke the barricades and jumped over the tiny stage. I realised I invaded the stage unannounced and not knowing who was I , michael’s bodyguards were about to bounce me and throw me away. Seeing this the shows promoter Bharat Bhai shah in complete panic scream He is the Biggest hero of the country and they stopped. Michael held my hand softly and acknowleged me and this is how the history created, he told.