New Delhi: It has been reported that Tuesday, March 5, will mark the digital release of Argylle, the newest feature movie directed by Matthew Vaughn. Despite having a budget of about $200 million, this espionage thriller—which had a star-studded ensemble including Henry Cavill and Bryce Dallas Howard—only managed to earn only $88 million worldwide. A lacklustre showing means Argylle doesn’t have a lengthy run in theatres. With this film, pop diva Dua Lipa makes her acting comeback as well.
Elly Conway, the protagonist, is an introverted spy novelist known for her best-selling series about the adventures of a secret agent called Argylle. The storylines of her novels begin to mirror the covert operations of actual intelligence groups, which starts to blur the boundary between fiction and reality, which is rather unexpected. Life began to take on the details of her tales. Elly finds herself thrust into a perilous world where appearances may be deceiving.
When and Where to Watch?
The premiere of the film took place on January 24, 2024, at the Odeon Luxe Leicester Square, London. Regarding the distribution of the film on over-the-top platforms, it will be available to watch on iTunes beginning on March 5, 2024. Although the film was produced with a budget of $200 million, it has only managed to gather around $88 million at the box office by this point.
Cast and Crew
Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard), LaGrange (Dua Lipa), Aiden Wilde (Sam Rockwell), and Elly’s mother (Catherine O’Hara) are among the famous faces who are appearing in the forthcoming action-thriller directed by Matthew Vaughn and written by Jason Fuchs. Starring with Jing Lusi are Ariana DeBose, John Cena, Sofia Boutella, Rob Delaney, and Samuel L. Jackson as the supporting cast.
Watched “ARGYLLE” in Dolby Atmos. This film begins with a glass with an argyle pattern. The idea, the sense, the camera, the look, the humor, the costumes, the music selection, the sound effects, the casting, the whole film is in full bloom in Matthew Vaughn’s style! The film is…
A shy novelist whose espionage books reflect the operations of a real-life intelligence organisation is the protagonist of the spy thriller Argylle, which stars Henry Cavill and Bryce Dallas Howard. With a budget of about $200 million, the flick was only able to make around $88 million worldwide, even though it had a cast that was filled with famous actors.