Bad Memory Eraser Episode 9: The fresh series of the most popular K-Drama is out and the fans can enjoy watching their favourite show. The South Korean series is written by Jung Eun-young, directed by Yoon Ji-hoon and Kim Na-young. The series stars Kim-Jae-Joong, Jin-Se-Yeon, Lee-Jong-Won and Yang-Hye-Ji.
The Romantic drama has 16 episodes and the last episode was aired on August 24, at 21:40 KST. In the 8th episode, viewers saw Sae-Yan is searching for love interest and finally she found him at the end of the episode.
In the last episode, Lee-Goon also tries to remember how his brother has deceived him when he fell from the bridge and how his own brother tried to push him from the bridge.
#KimJaeJoong and #JinSeYeon new stils from MBN drama #BadMemoryEraser Episode 9.
Leegun and Juyeon, the birth of a legendary beer kiss? A thrilling 1-second still 😆#BadMemoryEraserEp9 #LeeJongWon #YangHyeJi
— K-Drama Handle (@kdramahandle) August 29, 2024
คุณหมอยุนเทโอ🩺💓#나쁜기억지우개 #윤테오#BadMemoryEraser ep.9#김재용 #KIMJAEYONG
— ʚ 비 ɞ (@Nov_FlowerHoon) August 30, 2024
The 8th episode started with lee-Goon entering the meeting room and Se-Yeon introduces herself. She comes to work for Lee Goon as an Italian Interpreter .
Meanwhile, Guk-Bong and Lee-Shin are seen getting into a tiff over Goon’s first love Ju-Yeon.Then Shin realizes that he was there in the parking with Ju-Yeon and thinks that Goon must have thought of something else.
Meanwhile the episode ends with Hon threatening him with the pictures and also accusing him that he pushed his brother from the bridge.
#KimJaeJoong and #JinSeYeon new stills from MBN drama #BadMemoryEraser Episode 10.
Leegun and Juyeon share a passionate first kiss.#BadMemoryEraserEp10 #LeeJongWon #YangHyeJi
— K-Drama Handle (@kdramahandle) August 31, 2024