New Delhi: Makers released the new teaser trailer for Greta Gerwig’s directorial venture ‘Barbie’ starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in the lead. The video clip takes Barbie fans into nostalgia with her iconic looks and rollerblades, with a pinch of humour and fun banter. The trailer introduces the viewers to Gerwig’s Barbie land.
The clip opens with Margot Robbie as Barbie entering a beach and different Barbies and Kens saying ‘hi’ to her. Ryan Gosling’s Ken asks Robbie if he can stay over as they are girlfriend and boyfriend and Robbie asks, “To do what?” Ken follows her when she asks for his rollerblades.
The trailer ends with a banter between Simu Liu and Gosling while Robbie has to interfere and stop them. It is a bright and colourful video with actors playing the dolls as Gerwig has kept the elements true to the Barbie world.
While it seems like a colouful, over-the-top and musical kids’ film, ‘Barbie’ is actually about an existential crisis in a seemingly perfect world. Fans are excited about the film and it might be the movie to end Margot Robbie’s poor run at the box office.
— Warner Bros. Pictures (@wbpictures) April 4, 2023
Makers recently shared the new posters of the film introducing all the Barbies and Kens. The film also stars celebrity faces in Dua Lipa, Emma Mackey, Michael Cera, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Kate McKinnon and others.
The screenplay of the movie is penned by Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, and the film is backed by Warner Bros Pictures. The film will release in cinemas on July 21.