New Delhi: Disha Patani, who is undoutedly the hottest actress of Bollywood celebrates her birthday today. The stunner turns a year older amidst this lockdown. Disha Patani is being spotted since few days jogging in Bandra. The lockdown has eased in Mumbai and some stars have taken to the streets for jogging and walks.
Disha Patani took to social media to wish good friend Aditya Thackeray on his birthday. They are quite close and have been spotted for lunch dates as well. Disha Patani wished him on Twitter and Instagram. The actress would have been seen in Salman Khan’s Radhe but the lockdown meant the postponement of the film.
Read whats Disha wrote:
Happiest b’day @AUThackeray stay the amazing you and keep shining ?❤️
— Disha Patani (@DishPatani) June 13, 2020
In 2019, Disha Patani got trolled after she was seen with Aditya Thackeray on a dinner outing. People wondered about what happened to her constant companion, Tiger Shroff. Disha Patani has always maintained that Tiger Shroff is her BFF and does not show interest in her as a girlfriend. She said this even during the promotions of Malang.
Action star Tiger Shroff has posted a birthday message for his rumoured “rockstar” girlfriend