New Delhi: Finally, there’s Anushka Sharma at Cannes. The Pari actress made her red carpet debut in a snugly fitting white gown with a flowery ruffled bodice. Anushka had her hair up and wore little makeup and jewellery. Anushka graced the red carpet with other L’Oreal ambassadors Eva Longoria and Andie MacDowell on the final but one day of Cannes. They went to see The Old Oak, directed by two-time Oscar winner Ken Loach.
Take a look at her appearance:
Cannes debut @AnushkaSharma#cannesfilmfestival #Cannes2023 #bollywood #anushkaatcannes
— BOLLYUKMEDIA (@bollyukmedia) May 26, 2023
Anushka Sharma joins Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aditi Rao Hydari on the L’Oreal red carpet. Sara Ali Khan, Mrunal Thakur, Manushi Chhillar, and Esha Gupta are among the first-time attendees in Cannes, as are Vijay Varma and Urvashi Rautela, who are returning for the second time.
Kennedy, directed by Anurag Kashyap and starring Sunny Leone and Rahul Bhat, is part of the Midnight Screenings schedule at Cannes. Kanu Behl’s film Agra was also shown at the festival, and he is there with his crew, which includes actress Priyanka Bose.
Anushka Sharma and husband Virat Kohli were spotted at Mumbai airport earlier this week on their way to London, where she appeared to have taken a small diversion to the French Riviera.
Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli meet French Ambassador Emmanuel Lenin ahead of Cannes Film Festival
Read @ANI Story | #ViratKohli #EmmanuelLenin #CannesFilmFestival
— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) May 4, 2023
Anushka Sharma’s Cannes debut has not been officially announced, but the French Ambassador to India, Emmanuel Lenin, mentioned her attendance in a tweet earlier this month. “It was a pleasure to meet Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma!” “I wished Virat and Team India the best of luck in the upcoming tournaments, and we talked about Anushka’s trip to Cannes,” he tweeted after seeing Anushka and Virat at the French Embassy in New Delhi.
Anushka Sharma’s next film, Chakda Express, will be released later this year, in which she will play cricketer Jhulan Goswami.