New Delhi: Fans of Jitendra Kumar’s work in the popular Panchayat series are eagerly anticipating his new film, Dry Day. Despite the lack of buzz around the film since its announcement, the trailer has gone viral, garnering over 19 million views on YouTube. In the leading roles are Jitendra Kumar and Shriya Pilgaonkar.
The initial poster for the movie was released earlier by Prime Video, and it was accompanied by the slogan “revolution underway! 🙏🤪.”
In addition to that, the OTT platform has also confirmed the timeline for the film’s streaming. On December 22, this movie will be available to watch online via Amazon Prime Video.
revolution underway! 🙏🤪#DryDayOnPrime, Dec 22@jitendrajk06 @ShriyaP @annukapoor_ @saurabhshukla_s @monishaadvani @madhubhojwani @nikkhiladvani @EmmayEntertain
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) December 12, 2023
Earlier, Dry Day trailer dropped a message that hit hard, along with a powerful blend of drama and humour. The intricacies of love and the extent to which a man will go for his family are explored in this socially significant picture. With a touch of drama and emotion, this show will take a critical look at society. Aside from the emotional roller coaster, the film is crucial viewing because of the lesson it will convey about alcoholism.
New film #DryDay directed by @saurabhshukla_s, ft. @jitendrajk06 @ShriyaP & @annukapoor_, premieres Dec 22nd on @PrimeVideoIN.@monishaadvani @madhubhojwani @nikkhiladvani @protijyotimusic @EmmayEntertain— CinemaRare (@CinemaRareIN) December 14, 2023
#DryDay (2023) by @saurabhshukla_s, ft. @jitendrajk06 @ShriyaP @annukapoor_ & @Shrikantverma_, now streaming on @PrimeVideoIN.@monishaadvani @madhubhojwani @nikkhiladvani @javedmohsinMZK @danishsabri12 @protijyotimusic @kavishsinha12 @khatriirfan69@AmazonStudios @mgmstudios
— CinemaRare (@CinemaRareIN) December 21, 2023
With a golden heart, Gannu is Jagodhar’s most slothful drunken loafer. His wife is on the verge of giving up because Gannu is obsessed with alcohol. During his own drinking problem, Gannu, a hardly do-well, protests to have alcohol banned in his town when his wife vows to abort their child because of his addiction.
When and Where to Watch?
India and 240 other nations and territories will be able to see the Hindi premiere of the film on Amazon Prime Video. On December 22, 2023, the film will have its world debut on the OTT giant’s platform.
The movie will also be accessible in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam dubs, according to an earlier announcement from Amazon Prime Video.
What a special feeling to end the year with a film release 🍿
DRY DAY 🥂 directed by Saurabh Shukla now streaming on @PrimVideoIN @EmmayEntertain
— Shriya Pilgaonkar (@ShriyaP) December 22, 2023
Other Details
The film Dry Day delves into the depths of love, addiction, and the immense sacrifices a father makes for his family. The comic drama has prominent performances by Jitendra Kumar, Shriya Pilgaonkar, and Annu Kapoor. It is produced by Emmay Entertainment’s Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Nikkhil Advani, and directed by Saurabh Shukla.