New Delhi: The elderly couple is winning the hearts of many with their Instagram video. In the video, the couple is seen copying the expressions of Nick and Judy from the movie Zootopia. The duo is seen displaying incredible chemistry while playing the roles of the characters from the film. The video has received more than 23 million views already. The video shows the couple enjoying lighter moments with each other by recreating the act of Zootopia’s Nick and Judy in real life. The old man held the camera in his hand and shot the video with his wife. Fans couldn’t stop reacting after seeing the video, some call it wholesome, some say this video made my day, and another one wrote, about real-life Nick and Judy. One of the users wrote, that the aunty’s reaction is exactly the same as Judy’s, what a perfection. She has nailed it to perfection.
The comments section was flooded with compliments and praises for the couple. The couple ‘s expression has bought smiles on many faces with their pure and magical expressions while looking at the camera. The reel was seen in an instagram paged titled ‘achamaas’ which has over 460 thousand followers.
The couples recreation of the two cartoon characters is receiving incredible response from the fans setting new relationship goals. This selfie trend is also known as Zootopia selfie trend. This is a popular trend on Tik Tok where users recreate the facial expressions and try to mimick their favourite character from which ever film or video they want.