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Hollywood Star Cate Blanchett mocked for calling herself ‘Middle Class’

Cate Blanchett

New Delhi: Hollywood star and Oscar Winning actress Cate Blanchett made headlines after she called herself ‘Middle Class’ during a United Nations Press Conference at the Cannes Film Festival. The actress is trolled for her statement despite owning a Net Worth of over $95 million.

Cate also spoke about her experience as a Good Will Ambassador at the UN and said “I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class, and I think, you know, one can be accused of having a bit of a white saviour complex, but to be perfectly honest, my interaction with the refugees in the field and also in resettled environments has totally changed my perspective on the world.”

However , the Oscar Winning actress is facing the flak of the social media users for calling herself ‘Middle Class’.




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