New Delhi: Rishab Shetty’s superhit and critically acclaimed film ‘Kantara’ has been accused of copying a song from Kerela-based band Thaikkudam Bridge. As per the band, the song ‘Varaha Roopam’ has been plagiarised from its song ‘Navarasam’. The band took on social media to put plagiarism allegations against the makers of ‘Kantara’.
In a statement issued by the band, they said that Thaikkudam Bridge is not affiliated with the film and the unavoidable similarities between ‘Navarasam’ and ‘Varaha Roopam’ in terms of audio is a blatant infringement of copyright laws. They stated that the band will be seeking legal action as there has been no acknowledgement of rights over the content and the song is propagated as an original piece of work by the movie’s creative team.
Thaikkudam Bridge’s fans also felt that both the songs sound similar and it is not right to copy from anyone without consent. Netizens poured in with similar thoughts in the comment section of the band’s Instagram post.
Thaikkudam Bridge is a rock band that works with folk and classical sounds in India with layers of progressive, pop and electronic music. Navarasam was the band’s debut album back in 2016, which contained 10 songs. The album conveys the themes of existentialism and socio-political commentaries.
‘Kantara’ is a mythological action-adventure film that stars Rishab Shetty, Sapthami Gowda, Achyuth Kumar, Kishore Kumar G and Pramod Shetty. The film follows a story of a conflict between humans and nature. ‘Kantara’ has earned more than Rs 150 crore at the box office and has received positive reviews from critics and the film fraternity.