New Delhi: Hollywood actor Daniel Craig, known for playing the British spy James Bond in action-thriller movie series, has recently received the same title as his fictional counterpart in the UK’s annual New Year Honours List.
As per Deadline, Daniel Craig has been made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG), for his contribution to film, including portraying Bond five times. This is the same honour that has been bestowed upon author Ian Fleming’s 007 fictional character in his books.
Along with him Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson, the producer/caretakers of the James Bond movie franchise were also among the entertainment and media figures recognized on Friday.
Broccoli and Wilson received the honour of Commanders of the Order of the British Empire.
Netizens took to social media to express how they felt knowing that Daniel Craig received a real-life spy honour.
The awarding of an honour normally given to diplomats/spies to James Bond actor Daniel Craig, illustrates the absurdity of such a system and perhaps the monarchy itself in the governance of a 21st century democracy, in my humble opinion.
— recovering hypocrite (@recoveringhypo1) January 1, 2022
? – The Queen has broken tradition to give Daniel Craig an honour usually reserved for real life spies.
— LADbible (@ladbible) January 2, 2022
The reason Daniel Craig has received the same honour as the fictional character he plays is because the UK is not a serious country. It’s obsessed with pageantry and circus ahead of real world concerns. It’s just the natural continuation of what is already a system of absurdity.
— Sean Madden (@SeanMad88) January 1, 2022
OK I like they gave Daniel Craig the CMG (the standard honour for MI6 types amongst others) rather than a normal actor honour.
— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) January 1, 2022
Nice touch – Daniel Craig, who bowed out as James Bond, has been made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George.
It is the same honour that the fictional spy himself received, and which author Ian Fleming wrote was usually given “on retirement from the Secret Service”.— ed moses (@edmoses) January 1, 2022
The least deserving James Bond, but definitely the one with the biggest ego. This is an insult to the diplomats and actual spies who risked their lives for this country.
Daniel Craig in line for a CMG – a highly prestigious award usually handed to senior diplomats and spies.
— Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (@DrJuliaSnow) December 26, 2021
@talkRADIO re Daniel Craig’s “gong” ! Seriously??? If I was an actual spy I would immediately return ANY award I’d ever received !!! Ridiculous! And as for Tony B.Liar ?????
— Don (@whittdon51) January 1, 2022