New Delhi: ‘Joker: Folie á Deux ‘, the sequel to the 2019 film ‘Joker’ has been hyped by the fans, especially after Lady Gaga’s first look as Harley Quinn was shared by the makers. The film is in news again as a few people spotted Joaquin Phoenix shooting for the sequel on the roads. A behind-the-scenes video and a few pictures have gone viral on the internet.
In the viral video, Phoenix can be seen running on the streets of Los Angeles in his trademark Joker costume. The catch here was that he was not alone, the video shows three Jokers in the chase sequence running from someone. He can also be seen tumbling down and escaping like in the prequel.
Joker 2 sequel being filmed in downtown Los Angeles
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 5, 2023
Pictures of Phoenix and Lady Gaga with heavy makeup on their faces also surfaced on the internet.
— Joey Monda (@joeymonda) March 4, 2023
?Novas imagens de Joaquin Phoenix como Coringa no set de gravações de JOKER 2.
— DC Brasil – Fan Account (@_DCCBRASIL) March 5, 2023
Fans also stopped by to watch the shoot and tried to capture the scenes on their mobile phones. Twitter was full of videos and stills from the sets of ‘Joker: Folie á Deux ‘ and fans showed their excitement for the project on social media.
lady gaga (applause, 2013) and joaquin phoenix (joker 2, 2023)
— allure (new acc) (@allurequinn) March 5, 2023
Can’t wait for Joker 2
— Nev Wilson (@NevWilson) March 6, 2023
Joker 2 filmed w/ DTLA as Gotham City is too fitting
— Alexander ? (@Alexandheir) March 6, 2023
me showing up as an extra on the Joker 2 set
— Joey Monda (@joeymonda) March 4, 2023
The set for DC’s Joker 2 in NY is currently being built we might get a glimpse of Gaga’s character soon
— Jake ?? (@IStandWithGaga) March 4, 2023
SPOILERS – #Joker2: Folie à Deux
El Joker de Phoenix siendo perseguido por 2 personalidades más de él. esta película será una joyita.
— DC Unlimited (@DCEUMX) March 4, 2023
The shoot for the sequel began in December. The plot of the film is not revealed yet, but as per the comics, the film might show the origin story of Harley Quinn. In the comics, Joker and Harley meet in a mental asylum, where the latter works as therapist Dr. Harleen Quinzel and falls for Joker. The title ‘Folie à Deux’ also indicates a mental illness shared by two people, which hints that the story might follow the events from the comics.