New Delhi: Comedian and reality show host Kapil Sharma paid a heartfelt tribute to the late singer KK by singing his song ‘Sach Keh Raha Hai’ at The Kapil Sharma Show. The comedian hosted the cast of ‘Bheed’ and in Dia Mirza’s presence, he sang the song as the audience joined him in the tribute.
Kapil shared a video on his social media handle where he can seen singing the song from the film ‘Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein’ starring Dia Mirza. In the end, he also said that this is a tribute to ‘loving singer’ KK.
Sharing the video, Kapil Sharma wrote that it was not planned but seeing Dia Mirza, he started humming the song and the audience joined him. He added that the audience also sang the right notes and this is the power of good music.
Bollywood singer KK, who is the voice behind most of the sweetest romantic and heartbreak songs in the last two decades, passed away on May 31 last year, after suffering a cardiac arrest during a concert.
Director Anubhav Sinha and cast including Dia Mirza, Rajkummar Rao, Bhumi Pednekar, Ashutosh Rana and Kritika Kamra were there to promote their film ‘Bheed’ on the show. The film revolves around the plight of migrant workers during the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The film will release in theatres on March 24.
On the other hand, Kapil Sharma’s film ‘Zwigato’ has hit the cinemas. The film revolves around the life of a food delivery person and directed by Nandita Das, the film also stars Shahana Goswami.