New Delhi: Although he has only made a small number of films, new-generation director Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam has won admirers all over the world. Tharun has directed many films, including the critically acclaimed romantic comedy Pelli Choopulu, the beloved coming-of-age story Ee Nagaraniki Emaindhi, and a short film for the Pitta Kathalu anthology on Netflix.
His most recent action-comedy, Keedaa Cola, which featured Brahmanandam, Chaitanya Rao Madadi, Raghu Ram, and Tharun Bhascker, was a smashing success upon its first release. When it debuted in cinemas on November 3, 2023, the film was met with tremendous acclaim, especially for its comedic moments.
The film is now getting ready for its exclusive launch on the popular streaming site, Aha Video, and will begin its wacky digital adventure.
Daridraniki deggara ga
Paisal ki dhooramga
Mazak la brathukuthunna konni jeevithalanu sudadaniki ready ga undandi…#KeedaaCola🪳,a pakka laugh riot Premieres Dec 29.🤩24 hours early access to aha Gold subscribers@TharunBhasckerD @RanaDaggubati @VGSainma @VivekSudhanshuK…
— ahavideoin (@ahavideoIN) December 19, 2023
#KeedaaCola OTT streaming date is out officially:
— TrackTollywood (@TrackTwood) December 19, 2023
The story follows Jeevan, a politician who is set on becoming a corporator after being humiliated by another. He turns to his brother Naidu, who has just been released from jail, for help, and Naidu comes up with an absurd plan to help them accomplish their objective.
At the same time, Vaastu and Lancham, the two friends, are exhausted from their misfortunes and terrible luck. When Vaastu and Lancham discover a cockroach in a soft drink, the plot takes turns as they plot to blackmail the firm. But things don’t go out as planned since Jeevan and his brother abduct Lancham.
When and Where to Watch?
Despite Keedaa Cola’s worldwide release on November 3, the comedy thriller will soon be available via OTT services. The film’s post-theatrical digital rights have been acquired by Aha Video, a leading streaming platform, and the debut is scheduled for December 29.
The film will be streamable one day early, on December 28, for Aha Gold members.
In an Instagram post, Aha confirmed and wrote, “Daridraniki deggara ga Paisal ki dhooramga
Mazak la brathukuthunna konni jeevithalanu sudadaniki ready ga undandi…
#KeedaaCola🪳,a pakka laugh riot Premieres Dec 29.🤩
24 hours early access to aha Gold subscribers.”
Other Details
Producing it under the banner of VG Sainma were K Vivek Sudhanshu, Saikrishna Gadwal, Sripad Nandiraj, Srinivas Kaushik Nanduri, and Upendra Varma. Key parts were portrayed by Brahmanandam, Raghu Ram, Chaitanya Rao, Rag Mayur, and Tharun.
The picture was a financial success for the producers, taking in record-breaking sums in both the US and India.