New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra celebrated his 39th birthday and the actor was seen enjoying a birthday bash thrown by his friends and family members. The Birthday boy was kissed by wife Kiara Advani as the clock turned 12 on the special day. The actress also took to her Instagram and shared pictures of some adorable moments spent by the couple.
The couple is seen kissing each other as the actress wishes him ‘Happy Birthday Love’. Sidharth is also seen eating the cake and smiling in front of the camera. The cake was beautifully designed in a movie theme displaying a miniature of him. Sidharth is seen kissing Kiara on her forehead. Kiara wore a lovely black dress while Sidharth can be seen wearing a rainbow shirt with black pants for his special day. Kiara captioned the post, Happy Birthday Love.
Sidharth’s birthday bash with Karan Johar and friends
The actor also celebrated his birthday with film maker Karan Johar and close friends. Kiara’s Parents also seen attending his birthday celebration. The actor is seen posing with Karan Johar, Producer Juno Chopra among other friends.
What’s next for Sidharth ?
The actor will be seen in Rohit Shetty’s Indian Police Force. The series is scheduled to release on Amazon Prime Video on January 19th. The star cast includes Shilpa Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, Shweta Tiwari and Mukesh Rishi. Apart from this, the actor will be seen in Yodha, an action thriller directed by Sagar Ambre. The film is scheduled to release on 15th March 2024.
The couple got married in February 2023, Rajasthan. The duo met during the making of the series ‘Lust Stories’. Kiara also shared how Sidharth proposed her during an interview in Koffee with Karan.