New Delhi: After a slow start on day one, Bollywood Bhaijaan Salman Khan’s enchantment on the silver screen in the highly awaited Kisi Ka Bhai Kis Ki Jaan saw an enormous increase on Saturday and continued on Sunday. However, the film is presently seeing a significant drop in popularity.
According to preliminary estimates, KKBKKJ earned Rs 5 crore on day 6, bringing its total box office revenue to Rs 87.15 crore. The Farhad Samji-directed film may exceed the Rs 100 crore mark, but it may not go much further.
#KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan registers its first noticeable drop [39.82%], after the #Eid period… The mass pockets continue to dominate, but metros register a sharp decline… Eyes ₹ 93 cr [+/-] total in Week 1… Fri 15.81 cr, Sat 25.75 cr, Sun 26.61 cr, Mon 10.17 cr, Tue 6.12 cr.…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 26, 2023
Meanwhile, Salman Khan resorted to social media to thank fans for showing their support for his latest film on Eid. KKBKKJ’s progress on Saturday was quite astonishing, and he remarked, “Thank u for all your love n support.” Thank you so much; I truly appreciate it.”
In the meantime, according to Box Office India, the film’s business decreased dramatically in multiplexes throughout the country on Monday. The movie may do better on single screens in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Salman Khan stars in the Farhad Samji-directed film, which opens in theatres on April 21. Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh Daggubati also play important parts. In Yentamma, Ram Charan makes a cameo role. It is produced by Salman Khan Films and claims to include all of the aspects that a Salman Khan film should have: action, humor, drama, romance, and emotions. The movie will be released in cinemas on April 21. On Day 2, the film made Rs 26.25 crore, and on Day 3, it collected Rs 26.25 crore at the box office. The film grossed a little more than Rs 10 crore at the box office on Monday.
Yet, Bhaijaan has another film coming out shortly, and much is riding on it.