New Delhi: It looks like Varun Dhawan had to pick a bone with Arjun Kapoor as he kept taking his name during the rapid-fire round in the latest episode of ‘Koffee with Karan.’
During the rapid fire round, Karan when asked Varun, who is most likely to get arrested, for committing the following crimes – Gossiping and Flirting? For both the questions, the ‘Student of the year’ actor took Arjun Kapoor’s name. Varun’s answers surprised Anil and Karan. The host also said “Really?”
Varun further explained his answer. He said, Karta hain kabhi kabhi. Abhi galat nahi hain .”
To which Karan cross-questioned. He asked, is he sliding into people’s DM’s?
The actor responded, , “Once in a while. It’s all fine.”
Karan also said, “Yeah, I have also heard.”
But Anil got serious by looking at Varun, he said, ” uske breakup ho jayega.” Indicating at Malaika and Arjun’s relationship.
However, these discussions might sound like Koffee staples to the regular audience of the show however, in an interesting turn of events, there was a new segment for which Anil and Varun played marriage gurus and shared advice with callers.
The first person on the call asked for advice from Anil regarding how to spice up his sex life, to which Varun recommended trying ashwagandha and practising making love at least three times a week.
Another caller rang in to ask Varun for advice about how to get intimate with his wife while living in a small house along with family members. To this Varun said, “I think when you are in your room, play some romantic music and it will also help with the mood.”
This was followed by the rapid-fire round where the ‘Badlapur’ actor kept taking Arjun Kapoor’s name as his answer for a number of questions.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil will be next seen in an aerial action thriller film ‘Fighter’ alongside Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film’s official release date is still awaited.
Varun, on the other hand, will next be seen in ‘Bawaal’ opposite Janhvi Kapoor. He also has ‘Bhediya’ opposite Kriti Sanon in the offing.