New Delhi: In 2022, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s directorial ‘Gangu Bai Kathiawadi’ paved its way to theatres and now in 2023 has won not only one but five awards in major categories at the 69th National Film Awards. The film features Alia Bhatt as Gangubai and hit the theatres last year. With a bag full of awards won at the 69th National Film Awards, the film has taken the industry by storm. Actress Alia Bhatt won the best actress award which she shared with Kriti Sanon for Mimi. The film also won the Best Editing award which was given to Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Additionally, it also won The Best Dialogue which was credited to Utkarshini and Prakash Kapadia. Moreover, it also won Best Screenplay, shared by Sanjay Leela Bhansali with Utkarshini Vashishtha. Lastly, the film also won the Best Makeup award accoladed to Preetisheel Singh D’souza.
Talking about the massive success of the film and getting five National Awards, director Sanjay Leela Bhansali said, “I am very happy for everybody who has won, my film and other films and everybody who has won. Good cinema and get appreciated from the government and nationally from the respected jury, it always brings you joy he added.” “As far as Cinema is celebrated all over India, it is a wonderful moment for all of us. I’m so happy
Before this also the film won many awards and emaerged as the box office success with as massive collection of rs 153.69 crores in domestic office and Rs 209.77 crore in Global box office.
Talking about the other categories, the Best Actor was given to Allu Arjun for Pushpa: The Rise whereas the Best Feature Film was awarded to R Madhavan’s Rocketry: The Nambi Effect