New Delhi: With the exposure of digital platforms in the entertainment scenario, there has been no shortfall of bold content on the OTT front. Streaming platforms such as Ullu, AltBalaji, and more have been delivering vivid daring content, which otherwise would have been censored.
In recent times, we’d heard the name of Ullu App, whose web series ‘Kavita Bhabhi’ had the internet talking in view of its far too bold content.
Now, a new app called Prime Shot is has stepped in, with Ayesha Kapoor starrer Seal 2. The upcoming show, which stars actors Ayesha and Karan in the lead roles, is said to be even bolder than previously mentioned ‘Kavita Bhabhi’.
However, the common thread between the two series is Ayesha herself, as she has also been the lead actress in Ullu App’s ‘Kavita Bhabhi’ as well. After the immense success of the latter series, Ayesha is all set to appear in the next smoking hot project.
As apparent from its name, the series is a sequel to ‘Seal’, which was released in 2021 on the OTT app Prime Shots. The series is jam-packed with bold and erotic scenes between the lead characters.
The plot of the series revolves around a newlywed couple, as they get close with each passing day. The series is garnering a lot of social media attention and is a matter of discussion on the internet, owing to its bold scenes.
Though, viewers who intend to log in to video-sharing platform Youtube to check out the series are to be left disappointed as a tons of scenes from the show have been blurred out as per the platform’s guidelines.
Entertainment lovers with a taste in bold and sensual content can watch the series online on OTT app Prime Shots.