New Delhi: Bollywood actor and dancing diva Nora Fatehi has sued actor Jacqueline Fernandez and 15 media houses for defamation. The case filed by Nora’s lawyer is linked to the Rs 200 crore extortion case in which conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar is the main accused and Jacqueline Fernandez and Nora are also being interrogated. The actor accused Jacqueline has made defamatory remarks about her and that media organisations are aiding her.
According to Nora Fatehi, Jacqueline and the media organisations acted together in the immoral act. The petition also said that her growing career has ‘threatened her rivals’ and they are using such unfair means to defame her.
In the extortion case, ED summoned both the actors and Jacqueline was one of the accused as she was suspected to receive gifts from Sukesh. During the investigation, Jacqueline told the PMLA authorities that like her other celebrities, including Nora Fatehi also received gifts from Sukesh and while they are seen as witnesses in the case, she is an accused even after being in a similar position as them.
During the investigation, in the statement given to ED, Nora Fatehi said that she got booked for a charity event, where she was gifted a Gucci Bag and an iPhone by Sukesh’s wife Leena Paulose. She also said that the con man was also about to gift her a BMW car.
On the work front, Nora Fatehi was last seen in the film Thank God where she acted and also featured in the remake of the song ‘Manike’. She was also present in Qatar during the FIFA World Cup 2022 and performed at the Fan Fest.