New Delhi: Parineeti Chopra and AAP MP Raghav Chadha made the union official on May 13, 2023, when they got engaged. The ceremony was held in front of their relatives and friends. The Kapurthala House in New Delhi was the venue where the couple hosted an exclusive event. Parineeti has returned to Mumbai following her engagement. She was seen in Mumbai last night, May 21.
Several leaders from the political sector attended RagNeeti’s engagement. Priyanka Chopra also attended her cousin Parineeti’s engagement to Raghav. After the joyous celebrations, the actress returned to her home in Mumbai. She was seen blushing when paparazzi applauded her at the airport. Pari wore a white shirt with denim trousers and a beige blazer to the airport. She even agreed to pose for photos with a few of her followers. Parineeti then folded her hands and said, “Thank you,” before driving home in her car. Raghav Chadha, her fiance, was not seen with her.
The engagement ceremony of Parineeti Chopra and AAP MP Raghav Chadha took place in New Delhi’s Kapurthala House. On May 13, the pair finally revealed images from the important day. Raghav Chadha tweeted, “Everything I prayed for… she said yes!.” Parineeti, on the other hand, wrote, “Everything I prayed for… I said yes!.”
Raghav Chadha and Parineeti Chopra had previously kept their relationship status a secret. They both attended the London School of Economics and have many mutual friends.
According to reports, they will marry in October of this year.