New Delhi: The makers of the popular anime show Pokemon have announced that the show will continue without the protagonist Ash Ketchum and his pokemon cum companion Pikachu. Recently, after 25 years, Ash managed to win a championship and that has marked the climax of his story while it heads towards an end. The new edition of Pokemon will star Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly from the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet video games.
The current season, named, ‘Pokemon Ultimate Journeys: The Series’, showed Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, and his other Pokemons winning the Masters Eight Tournament. This has marked the conclusion of his story while the next edition begins in April 2023. However, the producers will be showcasing special episodes in the ongoing season to celebrate his journey and victory. As per the reports, ‘Pokemon Journeys in the West’ will be an 11-episode epilogue series in the current season and will conclude Ash and Pikachu’s journey on 13 January 2023.
An all-new Pokémon series has been announced!
Join 2 new characters and 3 Paldea starter Pokémon as they adventure through the Pokémon world! Plus, commemorate Ash’s journey with special episodes concluding Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series.
Coming soon in 2023 and beyond!
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) December 16, 2022
Sarah Natochenny, who has been the English voice for Ash since 2006, shared an emotional note on her Twitter handle. Pokemon fans are also sharing heartfelt notes as a 25-year-long journey comes to an end.
It’s been an extraordinary privilege to have been the English voice of Ash Ketchum for what will be 17 years. No matter what lies beyond his final chapter, he’ll live forever in the hearts of many generations to come. I’ll keep him present for all of us in every way I can. ❤️
— Sarah Natochenny (@sarahnatochenny) December 16, 2022
[pokemon // anipoke] rip ash ketchum, you will be missed
— wendi (comic fiesta 2022 ?) (@Diviously) December 16, 2022
Ash see’s Ho-Oh at the beginning and the end!
— Pokemon Gems (@PokemonGems) December 16, 2022
结束了?— zzz纸盒 (@zzz_zhihe) December 17, 2022
Ash Ketchum never let himself be discouraged from his goal of being a Pokémon master. And after 25 long and very difficult years, he was able to accomplish that goal at only 10 years old.
If that’s not magical I don’t know what is.
— Skooch (@SkoochLoL) December 17, 2022
When you realise if Ash leaving then they all are!! Now I understand the meaning of depression !! ?? We all we’ll miss you boi,Thanks for our making our childhood,I learned alot of you!! Arigato Satoshi✨#anipoke
— Indian AniPokeTuber?END OF ASH? (@SnivyPokemon21) December 17, 2022
me: *hasn’t watched pokémon since i was 10*
also me @ this news:
— nemuri kayama stan acc (@lyssalouwhoo) December 17, 2022
No estoy llorando…?#Pokemon
— Animetrends (@AnimetrendsLA) December 16, 2022
The new edition of the show will feature a boy named Roy and a girl named Liko as the protagonists along with Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly as their Pokemons. Like Ash became a hero for the late 90s and early 2000s kids, Roy and Liko might do the same for the coming generation.