New Delhi: As the most anticipated film ‘Pratinidhi 2’ is all set for a release, the makers of the film have come out with a teaser which is receiving lots of love from the audience. Nara Rohith can be seen sitting with a folded paper in his hands, wearing a shirt and a trouser. He is wearing a watch and specs. He also took to his Instagram and wrote, Thank you @chiranjeevikonidela garu, for unveiling the teaser. Your words of encouragement and positive energy will always be treasured. Your humility knows no bounds. Once again, thank you for blessing the team of #Prathinidhi2. @murthyscribe @siree_lella @anilandbhanu
#Prathinidhi2Teaser has made my day and made me excited for the film
— moshika (@di_valiya3) March 29, 2024
Nothing is exciting than this incredible teaser
— Srinika (@Alinara29374912) March 29, 2024
‘Pratinidhi 2’ is the sequel of the film ‘Pratinidhi’ which was released in 2014 and Nara Rohith played the role of a common man. It was directed by Prasanth Mandava and written by Anand Ravi.