New Delhi: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra enjoyed the weekend with their daughter Malti Marie Jonas. The three of them went on a picnic date. PC took to Instagram to share a nice photo of herself sitting in a park with her daughter and husband. Malti was lovely in her headgear. “Sundays are for picnics,” Priyanka captioned the photo, which was accompanied by a red heart and an evil eye emoji.
Gigi Hadid, an American model who recently visited India for the inaugural weekend of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai, commented with a red heart emoji. Fans poured their affection into the photo shortly after it was released.
Malti was born via surrogacy to Priyanka and Nick in January 2022. The couple confirmed the birth of their first child on online platforms in a joint statement.”We are overjoyed to announce that we have welcomed a baby through surrogacy.” We politely want privacy at this important time so that we can concentrate on our family. “Thank you so much (sic),” read the statement.
Malti made her public debut with her in January of this year. On January 30 in Los Angeles, they visited the Jonas Brothers’ Hollywood Walk of Fame event, where their 1-year-old daughter sat on Priyanka’s lap as her father and uncles Kevin and Joe Jonas got their star. Priyanka brought the child with her to promote ‘Citadel’ in India.
Professionally, Priyanka and Sam Heughan may be seen in Love Again. James C. Strouse wrote and directed this romantic comedy-drama, which is an English-language adaptation of the 2016 German film SMS für Dich, which was centred on a novel by Sofie Cramer. The film was released in the United States on May 5, 2023, to mixed reviews.