New Delhi: An OTT release of Tharun Moorthy’s most recent film, Saudi Vellakka, which was released in theatres earlier on December 2, 2023, is scheduled to take place shortly. When it was first released in theatres, the social drama, which stars Lukman Avaran, Sujith Sankar, Binu Pappu, and Devi Varma, received well-acknowledged reviews. It is anticipated that the film will attract a larger audience if it is made available on online streaming services.
The plot of the film, which is based on a real incident, centres on a court case and how the delay in delivering the decision by the judicial system of the nation takes a significant toll on the individuals who are engaged in the case.
42. Saudi Vellakka (2022) – Abhilash Sasidharan receives a summons warrant by the court for a long pending case. Desperate to find out the truth, he finds the real issue where a small conflict snowballed into a bigger one that changes the lives of everyone involved. (SonyLIV)
— Movies with Milan 🍿 (@MilanBarsopia) August 6, 2023
Don’t Miss Saudi Vellakka now streaming in Sony Liv .. It’s a gem of a movie .. Amazing Performances by everyone , But Sujith Shanker as Sathar was amazing .. #SaudiVellakka @sandeepsenan @tharunmoorthy01
— Faizal (@faizalitnet) January 11, 2023
The story of Saudi Vellakka takes place in a coastal village known as Saudi, and it revolves around an elderly lady called Aisha who, in a moment of rage, slaps a little kid. Her neighbour encourages the boy’s family to make a police report against the lady, and as a result, the situation quickly escalates and becomes out of control as more people get involved.
The family of Aisha decides to fight the case because of this, but they had no idea that it would also have significant repercussions in each of their lives, in addition to the fact that it would take the court more than a dozen years to eventually give the ruling.
When and when to Watch?
Tharun announced the film’s release date on Christmas Eve via his social media pages. However, earlier, many reports said that Sony LIV will host the film’s over-the-top premiere starting on January 6.
Movie Name : Saudi Vellakka ( 2022 )
Language : Malayalam
Genre : Drama , Comedy
Rating : 7.5/10
Streaming on Sony LIV .!
Feel Good movie 👌— Monkey Cinema (@monkey_cinema) January 12, 2023
Other Details
Devi makes a stunning debut in the film, portraying the character Aisha, in the dramatic drama. Along with Remya Suresh, Dhanya Ananya, Gokulan, and Riya Saira are featured in Tharun’s second feature film as director, after the critically acclaimed Operation Java. Saudi Vellakka, like his earlier film, depicts the misery of those who are waiting for the court system to provide justice.