New Delhi: Following the massive success of the series “Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story,” director Hansal Mehta is back with another captivating tale. The teaser for his highly anticipated web show “Scam 2003: The Telgi Story” has been released. This web series draws inspiration from the Hindi book titled “Reporter Ki Diary” written by journalist Sanjay Singh. It delves into the infamous counterfeit stamp paper case masterminded by Abdul Karim Telgi, involving crores of rupees. The teaser, shared by Hansal Mehta, features snippets from “Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story” and a voiceover that narrates, “In 1992, the country witnessed the biggest financial scam worth Rs 5,000 crore. In 2003, the scam was so massive that mathematicians struggled with the concept of zero as it amounted to Rs 30,000 crore.”
“Scam 2003: The Telgi Story” Teaser
On Friday, the teaser for the series was released. The 1 minute and 26 seconds teaser begins by showing the 1992 scam of Harshad Mehta, followed by the 2003 scam worth Rs 30,000 crore. After providing viewers with a brief overview of the scam, the teaser introduces Abdul Karim Telgi as the mastermind behind the fraudulent activity.
Filmmaker Hansal Mehta shared the teaser on his official social media account with the caption, “Life mein aage badhna hain toh daring to karna padega na darling! Here it is. #Scam2003. Introduced with attitude and love by @bajpayee.manoj One more @karanvyas11 gem. Directed by @tusharhiranandani. From yours truly 😍with @applausesocial and @spnstudionext. Thank you @sameern for always giving these opportunities. Watch out for the brilliant @gagandevriar as Abdul Karim Telgi. Trailer out soon.
Releasing on Sept 2, 2023.”
The web series “Scam 2003: The Telgi Story,” directed by Tushar Hiranandani, will start streaming on the OTT platform SonyLIV from September 2. Gagan Dev Riar, a theatre actor, has been cast in the role of Abdul Karim Telgi. Although his face is not revealed in the teaser, his voice can be heard saying, “I have no interest in earning money because money is not earned, it is made.”
The teaser of “Scam 2003: The Telgi Story,” set in Mumbai, features a collection of clips from the upcoming web series. It concludes with another dialogue from Gagan Dev Riar as Abdul Karim Telgi, stating, “If you want to move forward in life, you must be daring.”