New Delhi: Actor Mrunal Thakur recently shared a picture of herself crying and in an interview, she opened up about the picture and talked about self-doubt and being vulnerable. While people were concerned for her mental health, she shared that her intention was to normalize feeling low and words like depression should not be used casually.
Talking to the Bombay Times, Mrunal said that she shares ‘happy pictures’ on social media but she does not feel the same everyday. She told that the day she shared the picture, she woke up feeling powerful, but there have been days ends up losing self-esteem and self-doubt taking over. She added that there is an overload of information and opinions and one stops listening to the inner voice, and it takes courage to be vulnerable in front of the world.
Regarding mental health, the actor said that it is a sensitive issue and needs a different conversation. She said that depression is a big word and should not be used casually. Mrunal shared her intention behind sharing the picture and said that it was to normalize feeling low and she wanted to tell everyone that she is not afraid to show what she feels, and people should also not shy away from sharing how they actually feel.
Sharing the picture, Mrunal posted a note saying that it is okay to be naive and vulnerable.
On the work front, she was last seen in ‘Gumraah’ alongside Aditya Roy Kapur and she will next be seen in ‘Pippa’ with Ishaan Khatter and ‘Pooja Meri Jaan’, which also stars Huma Qureshi and Vijay Raaz.