New Delhi: After registering mega success worldwide, the makers of the Ranbir Kapoor starrer ‘Animal’ announce the sequel of the film. Director Sandeep Reddy is all ready to begin with the sequel of the blockbuster titled ‘Animal Park’.
When will the sequel go on Floors
The Director Sandeep Reddy said in an interview that the film will only begin after ‘Next is spirit’ with Prabhas is released. He added that he doesn’t feel in the writers room. I write my own stuff.
About the Film’s title
When asked about the title of the film, director Sandeep Reddy reveals the idea behind this title is that there is not one but many animals in the film. Apart from this, the actress Tripti Dimri will have more screen space in the sequel. It is also likely that Ranbir will be seen in double roles.
About Animal
Ranbir Kapoor played the role of Ranvijay Singh and Anil Kapoor has played the role of Balbir Singh his father. Rashmika Mandana played the character of Geetanjali and Bobby Deol has played the role of Abrar. Apart from these the film stars Shakti Kapoor, Suiresh Oberoi, Saloni Batra and Siddhant Karnick.
Animal’s Box Office Success
The film received incredible success and refuse to die down at the box office even after reaching the 600 crore club. The father son bond portrayed by Sandeep Reddy has received immense love from fans across the country. The performance of Ranbir kapoor and Bobby Deol has been appreciated by lots of film critics and fans. However the two actors have shared the screen for the first time and the chemistry between the two is loved by the audience. Apart from the male actors, the female characters Rashmika Mandana and Tripti Dimri have also done a wonderful job in the film. This is Rashmika Mandana’s first film with Ranbir Kapoor and the couple has already won the hearts of their fans with their onscreen chemistry.