New Delhi: Actors Shilpa Shetty and Sidharth Malhotra wrapped up the shoot for Rohit Shetty’s upcoming web series ‘Indian Police Force’. Shilpa shared a video on her Instagram handle announcing the ‘wrap’ for the web show. In the video, Shilpa and Rohit can be seen walking in style as the crew follows them behind.
Shilpa can be seen wearing an all-black outfit with sunglasses and bouncy untied hair, while Rohit Shetty styles a blue shirt-pants as they walk down the stairs. Sharing the reel on social media, Shilpa used Simba’s theme music for the background and wrote, “…it is the JOURNEY that matters in the end.’ About her experience with working with Rohit Shetty, the actor wrote that now she can put another tick to her bucket list.
On the other hand, Sidharth shared a group picture of the cast and crew, where he can be seen posing in front of a building with various SUV cars. Captioning the picture, he wrote that he cannot wait for his fans to witness the series and also thanked the crew for the experience he got on the sets.
‘Indian Police Force’ starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, Isha Talwar and Vivek Oberoi in major roles, is part of Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe. The web series is set to release on Amazon Prime Video. The dates for the release have not been announced yet.
After Rohit Shetty’s ‘Cirkus’ could not do well at the box office, the director is back with a cop drama and this time on OTT. Like his other cop-based films, cameos from Singham, Simba and Suryavanshi are expected in the show.