New Delhi: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma who was recently spotted on the streets of London, is setting her swag as she does Taka Tak Bat Balance challenge with Virat Kohli.
Taking to her social media, the actor shared the video.
She wrote, “I had fun doing the TakaTak #BatBalance challenge with @virat.kohli!
You too show us your skills by participating in the #BatBalance challenge on the @mxtakatak app now?”
Anushka Sharma’s pic with little Vamika on London streets goes VIRAL
Recently, she also started a new initiative where she is selling off maternity clothes.
Taking to her Instagram account, she wrote, “I’m thrilled to launch my new initiative, through which I’ve shared some of my favourite maternity wear for an online charity sale, with proceeds supporting maternal health through @snehamumbai_official.”