New Delhi: Performing exceptionally well at the box office, Thalapathy Vijay’s Varius has recently crossed Rs. 210 crores at the global box office. The film is also moving swiftly towards crossing the Rs. 150 crore mark in the domestic market. The numbers from 19th January indicated a total of Rs. 131 crores and growing. Despite intense competition with Ajith Kumar’s film Thunivu as they both released on the same day, it is continuing to do well. Accounting for the probability of the sales gaining momentum over this weekend the film is likely to cross the 150 crore mark soon.
#Varisu [#Hindi version] Fri 81 lacs, Sat 1.61 cr, Sun 1.68 cr, Mon 64 lacs, Tue 55 lacs, Wed 49 lacs, Thu 44 lacs. Total: ₹ 6.22 cr. #India biz. Excludes #South circuits. Note: HINDI version only. #VarisuHindi
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 20, 2023
Box Office Collection of Day 10
The box office conflict with Thunivu made the sales dip on day 10 of the film’s release. Directed by the filmmaker Vamshi Paidipally the early predictions of Varisu suggest an earning of Rs. 3.5 crore. Counting that makes the total collection of the film currently standing at Rs. 134 crores. Trade analyst Ramesh Bala tweeted revealing that the box office collection of the film has crossed the lifetime collection of Beast in the United Kingdom. Varisu has grossed $841,082 as of January 15th whereas Beast’s lifetime collections were $822,754.
At the #UAE Box office, #Varisu has grossed $841,082till Jan 15th..
It beats the lifetime collections of #Beast – $822,754
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) January 21, 2023
A family entertainer for all to consume, Varisu was released on 11th January ahead of the festival of Pongal. The film stars Rashmila Mandanna, Prakash Raj, Sarathkumar, Prabhu, Jayasudha, Yogi Babu, Srikanth Meka, Shaam and the superstar Thalapathy Vijay. Produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations the music of the film is composed by S Thaman.