New Delhi: The 4th and final season of the most awaited series ‘The Umbrella Academy’ will be coming soon at the OTT platforms to woo the audience. The action and adventure series is directed by Steve Blackman was one of the most popular series of all times and is based on the comic book written by Gerard Way. The previous series had 10 episodes and the last and the 4th season will have 6 episodes.
the umbrella academy did it better
— sparrow ☂︎ TUA S4 SPOILERS (@sparrowsacademy) July 21, 2024
— dabi ☂️ ADORES klaus h.🤿 20 DAYS (@a_umbrellalover) July 21, 2024
The story of the most popular adventures series revolves around the disfunctional family of Super Heroes who come forward and unite to seek revenge for their father’s death.
About Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy
This season ended with the massive face-off at the Hotel Oblivion and the Hargreeves siblings have lost all their powers and now in order to survive they will have to learn new ways to cope with things. However their father is still alive and taking care of a big business empire. A group named ‘The Keepers’ decide to meet secretly to decide about the actual reality in which they are living.
— dabi ☂️ ADORES klaus h.🤿 20 DAYS (@a_umbrellalover) July 21, 2024