New Delhi: Vijay Deverkonda’s recently released Kushi is thriving success at the box office and made a collection of Rs 39.25 crore till now. Kushi is helmed by Shiva Nirvana and also stars Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the female lead. Amid the success of the film, the actor announced to donate Rs 1 crore from his earnings from Kushi to 100 families each with a share of Rs 1 Lakh. The video of his announcement was shared by the film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan on his Twitter handle. In the video, Vijay said I’m going to distribute Rs 1 crore to 100 families in order to share my joy with you. Each family will receive Rs 1 lakh and this money which I’m going to donate is from my personal account.
Here is the video:
Just IN: Vijay Deverakonda to give ₹1 lac each to 100 families in the next 10 days.
Total – ₹ 1 cr
||#Kushi | #VijayDeverakonda||
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) September 4, 2023
For those who didn’t know, the actor had earlier also sent 100 people on the all-expense trip to Manali as a Christmas gift. He often treats his fans with such sweet surprises. He shared a video in which he made an announcement wishing everyone a Happy New Year. He further said “This is Devara Santa Update! I told you I’m going to send 100 of you to an all-expense paid trip holiday, food travel, and accommodation on me. I asked you where you guys wanted to go and most of the people chose mountains, So to the mountains we go! I’m sending hundreds of you on a five-day Manali trip.”
On the workfront, Vijay was last seen with Ananya Panday in action packed film Liger. It marked the Bollywood debut of Vijay Deverkonda. However Liger failed to impress the audience and fell flat at the box office.