New Delhi: South Superstar Vijay Thalapathy who is busy shooting for his upcoming film ‘GOAT’ shared a signature selfie with his fans on the background and shared it in Instagram. The actor was in Kerala to finish the shoot of his film and was greeted by thousands of fans who gathered to have a glimpse of their favorite superstar.
Sharing the video, he wrote “Ente Aniyathimaar , aniyanmaar, chettanmaar, chechimaar ammamaar! Ella Malayalikalkkum ente Hridayam Niranja Nanni (sic)”,
Ente Aniyathimaar , aniyanmaar, chettanmaar, chechimaar ammamaar!
Ella Malayalikalkkum ente Hridayam Niranja Nanni 🤗
— Vijay (@actorvijay) March 22, 2024
Thalapathy Vijay is currently busy in the promotion of his film ‘GOAT’ directed by Venkat Prabhu. The film’s shoot is likely to finish soon and the film will hit the screen later this year