New Delhi: The lead pair of the film ‘FamilyStar’ Vijay DeveraKonda and Mrunal Thakur celebrated Holi with their friends and family in their hometown Hyderabad. Both the actors were seen dressed up in white and having fun time dancing with their fans as they performed on a dance number. The videos of the actors playing with colors and dancing are doing the rounds in Social Media.
#FamilyStar celebrates holi in a galloping atmosphere 🤩💥#VijayDeverakonda #MrunalThakur #FamilyStarOnApril5th
— Vijay Deverakonda FC (@TeamVDFC) March 25, 2024
The Makers of the film released the teaser earlier this month. The lead actress Mrunal Thakur shared the teaser on Social Media and wrote, “The most awaited Family Star teaser out now. In cinemas on April 5th. #FamilyStar #FamilyStarOnApril5th.” Meanwhile, Vijay Deverakonda shared the teaser and her wrote, “This April 5th Family Star. To all my dear families, with love. A boy who lived this life.#FamilyStarTeaser.”
This April 5th#FamilyStar.
To all my dear families,
With love,
A boy who lived this life. #FamilyStarTeaser— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) March 4, 2024
FamilyStar’s actor Vijay Deverakonda shared the poster of the film and announced the release date, he wrote, “Arriving April 5, 2024.” Vijay DeveraKonda’s upcoming films are VD12 ( Scheduled to release on 14th April 2024) directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, JGM ( Jana Gana Mana) scheduled to release in November 2024.