New Delhi: New Delhi: Yami Gautam has been crazy-busy with shooting schedules of her upcoming projects ‘Lost’ and ‘A Thursday’. Though, a social media post of the actor is doing rounds on internet in which Gautam have revealed that she has been battling from an incurable skin condition since her teenage, called keratosis pilaris.
While talking to English daily Mid-day, she said about her viral post, “Writing the post wasn’t difficult; it was liberating. The journey from the time when I learnt of my condition to the day I put the post out, was challenging. When people saw me at shoot, they would talk about how it should be airbrushed or concealed. That would affect me a lot. It took years to accept it and wear my confidence. I was overwhelmed to see the response to the post.”
For the unversed, Yami has been a brand ambassador for several beauty products, promoting perfection in beauty standards for some years now.
Meanwhile, if you’ve heard of keratosis pilaris for the first time ever, we’ve brought all that you need to know of the incurable skin condition.
What is keratosis pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris is also known as chicken skin. The condition is quite common and leaves the skin of rough and possibly discolored patches along with tiny bumps on the surface. These bumps could be brown or red in color and are basically dead skin cells.
Keratosis pilaris often appear on one’s cheeks, arms, buttocks and thighs. Though the conditions is neither painful nor contagious, these pilaris can extend during winters or pregnancy.
1. discolored patches on skin
2. rough/dry skin
3. pink, red, brown or black colored bumps
The condition occurs when a hair protein called Keratin starts building on the skin pores and blocks the hair follicles of the body hairs. Doctors also believes that the condition could be genetic.