New Delhi: Recently, some exclusive pictures of the Oscar-winning Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio have surfaced online in which the actor is seen enjoying a night out with a British-Indian model Neelam Gill. Within no time, the viral pictures of the actor accompanied by the model has sparked dating rumors between the two.
In the viral pictures, the 48-year-old actor is seen accompanied by the model as he walks out of Chiltern Firehouse in London wearing a black bomber jacket.
Besides Gill, the movie actor’s mother Irmelin Indenbriken was also photographed by the paparazzi as she exited the venue.
Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the Titanic actor is dating Gill, her being spotted with the actor was all it took for the netizens to speculate rumors about her being the new love interest of the Titanic actor.
With everyone trying to know more and more about the mystery girl, let’s have a detailed look at her life, family, and career.
Who is Neelam Gill?
For the uninformed, Neelam Gill is a popular British model of Indian origin and is one of the most prominent Indian figures in the international fashion industry with over 285k followers on her Instagram profile.
The 28-year-old model started her modeling career over a decade ago after she was signed by NEXT Model Management Agency.
Having worked with some of the top-notch British fashion agencies like Blueberry and Vogue, Neelam is also the only Indian-origin model to feature in a Campaign for the British beauty magazine “Hello”.
Neelam’s appearance at Cannes
Interestingly, the 28-year-old model was also seen attending Cannes Film Festival where she walked down the red carpet in a lacy body-hugging dress.
Check out more from her Instagram here:
Neelam’s Indian connection
Speaking of the model’s family background, Gill was raised by her British-born mom and stepfather after her mother was divorced by her biological father. Moreover, it was her grandparents who shifted to the United Kingdom from India’s Punjab and settled there a few decades ago.
Is Neelam Dating Leonardo DiCaprio?
As of now, it is difficult to say that the model is dating the Titanic star. Moreover, the presence of Leonardo’s mother as well as his other pals besides Gill makes the chances of him dating the model even slimmer.