New Delhi: Actor Annie Wersching, who was best known for her acting and for her roles in the television shows ’24’, and in the video game ‘The Last of Us’ passed away at the age of 45. She was battling cancer for the past two years, New York Post reported.
The news about her death was announced via a GoFundMe account-which was set to raise funds for Annie’s family.
The actor’s husband Stephen Full also confirmed the news in a statement to CNN.
She was diagnosed with cancer in 2020, but the type of cancer she was battling was not specified.
Who was Annie Wersching?
Annie Wersching was born in St. Louis, Missouri.
She made her cinematic debut at the age of 24 in a 2002 episode of ‘Star Trek: Enterprise.’
She was cast as an FBI special agent Renee Walker on the seventh season of 24 in 2009.
She was also seen in shows like ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ Marvel’s ‘Runaways‘ and many more.
Just found out my dear friend, Annie Wersching, passed away. We just lost a beautiful artist and human being. My heart is shattered. Thoughts are with her loved ones.
There’s a go fund me set up for her family:
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) January 29, 2023
Actress Annie Wersching, who played Tess in The Last of Us, has sadly passed away from cancer at age 45.
— The Game Awards (@thegameawards) January 29, 2023
You’ll always be Mama Salvatore to the TVD fandom. Any fan easily can remember how interactive she was with us during her time on the show. How excited she was to be in this role and her genuine good heart. Annie Wersching rest peacefully now.
— Damon Salvatore (@MercilessKiIler) January 29, 2023
Annie @Wersching destroyed us with her performance as Tess. Love that we get to better show off her acting chops with Part I!
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) June 14, 2022
Important to note Annie Wersching’s very first TV role was in Star Trek: Enterprise. She was part of our esoteric little Trekkie universe from the get-go and she has gone too soon.
45 is too young and she is a great loss.— Star Trek Éire (@startrekeire) January 29, 2023
This was Annie Wersching
— daní ᱬ (@LtMenalippe) January 29, 2023
annie wersching’s acting in this scene hits harder now… fuck cancer.
— ems ? tlou spoilers (@amess4leigh) January 29, 2023
annie wersching was a FORCE as renee walker and absolutely carried the later seasons of 24 — an increasingly ludicrous show that benefited immensely from her talent
— Cole Delbyck (@coledelbyck) January 29, 2023