New Delhi: The Maharashtra Police’s Raigad unit on Wednesday morning raided the home of Republic TV owner and arrested its Chief Editor Arnab Goswami in an abetment to suicide case.
The senior journalist has been arrested for allegedly abetting suicide of a 53-year-old interior designer. A police official said that an architect and his mother committed suicide in 2018 over alleged non-payment of dues by Republic TV.
As the news broke out, the whole internet condemned this act by the police and some called it an attack on Journalism.
See the how ministers, netizens condemn ‘assault on freedom of press’:
#IndiaWithArnab | Arnab Goswami’s arrest has been made part of a larger vindictive exercise against an independent journalist & news network. This is to bring to light real facts on unfounded allegations in a closed case based on which #ArnabGoswami was assaulted & arrested
— Republic (@republic) November 4, 2020
We condemn the attack on press freedom in #Maharashtra. This is not the way to treat the Press. This reminds us of the emergency days when the press was treated like this.@PIB_India @DDNewslive @republic
— Prakash Javadekar (@PrakashJavdekar) November 4, 2020
Opening of a closed case and arresting Arnab Goswami clearly smacks of a vendetta. Hope the judiciary takes an appropriate view. Also hope d media bodies react appropriately.
— Ram Madhav (@rammadhav_) November 4, 2020
#ArnabGoswamiArrested: अर्नब गोस्वामी की गिरफ्तारी पर कंगना रनौत का फूटा गुस्सा, कही ये बात
| #Arnab #arnabarrested #arnab_goswami |— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) November 4, 2020
Congress and its allies have shamed democracy once again.
Blatant misuse of state power against Republic TV & Arnab Goswami is an attack on individual freedom and the 4th pillar of democracy.
It reminds us of the Emergency. This attack on free press must be and WILL BE OPPOSED.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) November 4, 2020
Those in the free press who don’t stand up today in support of Arnab, you are now tactically in support of fascism. You may not like him, you may not approve of him,you may despise his very existence but if you stay silent you support suppression. Who speaks if you are next ?
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) November 4, 2020
The arrest of #ArnabGoswami on flimsy grounds is yet another example of authoritarian and intolerant governance by Shiv Sena but was bound to happen as now they are in great company of emergency imposers Congress.
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 4, 2020
WATCH | #ArnabGoswami assaulted, arrested by Mumbai Police forcibly
| #Arnab #arnabarrested #arnab_goswami |— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) November 4, 2020
We condemn the attack on press freedom in #Maharashtra. This is not the way to treat the Press. This reminds us of the emergency days when the press was treated like this.@PIB_India @DDNewslive @republic
— Prakash Javadekar (@PrakashJavdekar) November 4, 2020
I am heading to Mumbai to stand with my brother #ArnabGoswami. This is a black day for India's democracy. This is a black day for India's free speech. We don't need the psudos of the world , I request people of India to stand tall with #Arnab. Emergency in Mh. #justiceforArnab
— Pradeep Bhandari(प्रदीप भंडारी)?? (@pradip103) November 4, 2020
Must say this today. #ArnabGoswami and Sameet Thakkar episode should teach an important lesson to those who speak out against jihadi-commie-‘liberal’ ecosystem: You are completely on your own.
No party, politician, or media will come to your help when you need them.— Abhijit Majumder (@abhijitmajumder) November 4, 2020
As disgraceful as the assault & arrest of #ArnabGoswami is (on a previously closed 2018 case), the cowardly — indeed complicit — silence of other media houses is equally condemnable. They will be held to account where it matters by their viewers & readers
— Minhaz Merchant (@MinhazMerchant) November 4, 2020
This is shocking @MumbaiPolice have treated Ajmal Kasab with far more respect than they are treating @thakkar_sameet and #ArnabGoswami and I don’t know what @BJP4India is doing at the back end, but the perception battle is lost. @AmitShah @JPNadda @Sunil_Deodhar @blsanthosh.
— Shefali Vaidya. ?? (@ShefVaidya) November 4, 2020