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Be a Good Samaritan on roads: This person stopped, helped and changed many lives…

road accident victim

New Delhi: With the expansion of cities and infrastructure, the widened roads and highways have become new ‘death zones’, at times due to our ignorance of traffic rules while sometimes due to unfortunate mishap.

Come what may, an empathetic society calls for reaching out to fellow citizens in distress and help them in whichever we can.

This story of road accident, immediate assistance by a Good Samaritan and followed by intervention of city DM for affordable treatment at a govt hospital…. is an apt story to shake up our conscience and turn us into road warriors from ‘mute spectators’.

Chaandan Munjaal, a Gurugram resident, was on his way to office like usual. At Sushant Lok 1, he saw commotion on the roads which at first instance seemed like traffic jam but closer inspection revealed that an accident victim soaked in blood was lying on the road. Lot of onlookers had assembled but no one was ready to come forward for help. Munjaal, was initially baffled at the reaction of people but wasting no time, he rushed to help Krishna Kumar, the victim who was identified by now, from his ID card.

Writing a moving tale about the accident and rescue of victim, Munjaal wrote on his FB account, “A wave of anger swept over me, looking at all the anxious but worried faces frowning over the poor soul, but not one stepping forward to help. It was apparent, their willingness to help was overshadowed by police inquiry, hospital bills, bloodstains on their vehicle, and I don’t know if they are to be blamed.Without a second thought, I dropped down and, making room for him, asked the bystanders to carry him to the back seat of my car. Of course, they agreed at the easiest, as the doubts were then passing on to me.”

Munjaal drove the road accident victim to Max Hospital, Gurugram, where he was admitted and given immediate treatment. Krishna needed immediate neurosurgery for survival as he had lost a lot of blood from his head and ears due to constant bleeding. He was put on a ventilator.

Recalling the most difficult part of this rescue, Munjaal writes, “Confronting Krishna’s wife over the phone was one of the most difficult thing. “Sir, we don’t have any money to treat him in such a costly hospital, no matter what level of emergency it is.” She replied, with her helplessness tearing through her loud cries and deep shock. My heart sank, knowing she had no way to source the money required for treatment.”

Caught up in a quandary, Chaandan Munjaal at once felt that this battle was lost. But, his past many years of social service kept him going. The man, who has also been assiduously working for children from downtrodden and unprivileged class, thought of knocking the doors of city administration and it worked.

Munjaal then sought help from Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram to which the latter was very forthcoming and offered quick assistance.

The patient was shifted from Max Hospital to Civil Hospital in Gurugram and then to AIIMS for further treatment.

“I am immensely grateful towards Mr. Amit Khatri, IAS, who, apart from being DC, Gurugram, is a kind soul and to all of team Max for genuinely helping out the poor patient,” writes the road warrior who didn’t wait and watch like others but came to rescue and helped save a life.

Penning down the incident, Mr Munjaal says that getting acclaim for the good work is not his purpose but he wrote this because, he feels, “sharing instances like these help people realize the true sense of life.”

Till date, Mr Chaandan Munjaal and his foundation has imparted education to around 2 lakh children on issues like water conservation and distribution of ration, masks. He is also a Managing Trustee of Ramesh and Chand Munjal charitable trust, which was created to help the needy.

And, this is not his first instance of reaching out to accident victims. As per his Facebook post, Krishna Kumar was the 11th road accident victim he took to the nearby hospital for immediate medical treatment.

Such people/organisations deserve kudos not just from civil society but also acknowledgment from government bodies, so that motivation to serve the society remains strong and others too join in, to extend help to the needy.

On a closing note, this is his appeal to fellow citizens, “please do not ignore a helpless victim laying on the road. Never hesitate the importance of each passing second to his life and offer aid despite possibilities of inquiries and hospital bills.”

After all, the takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.



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